HOT INFO!! Benarkah Lagu Gangnam Style Hina Islam?
Tak payah nak terangkan apa-apa, klik video ni dah jelaskan segala..
1 ulasan:
melayu ni, everything semua propaganda yahudi. sometimes, think before you speak, research before you broadcast, don't take words blindly.
12 years ago, orang cakap pokemon hina islam. agenda yahudi. believe it or not, there's more to this life than yahudi trying to control the world.
why can't we stop accusing people and instead improve our lives. blame everything on the jews and yet us muslim dont even try to make ourselves better.
1 ulasan:
melayu ni, everything semua propaganda yahudi. sometimes, think before you speak, research before you broadcast, don't take words blindly.
12 years ago, orang cakap pokemon hina islam. agenda yahudi. believe it or not, there's more to this life than yahudi trying to control the world.
why can't we stop accusing people and instead improve our lives. blame everything on the jews and yet us muslim dont even try to make ourselves better.
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