DAP lost credibility to criticise corruption
The state leadership has been very quiet about this councillor power abuse issue. We probed and found out a few inconvenient truths.There are several clean leaders in the DAP who has been monitoring this situation and have voiced concerned about this issue. Which consist several past and present councilor and few state assemblyman and assemblywoman (DAP,PAS,PKR,NGO).
HOWEVER, we also found out that for the sake of political convenience; most in the DAP state committee have backed the councillor. We also found out from a very reliable source, that the councillor has in fact been dropped from the list, but due to last second interference, he was reinstated BECAUSE of the state commitee. This is the same state commitee who has distanced themselves from an assemblyman (Hindraf), forgetting quite easily how Hindraf helped them win the last GE.
So if all the good guys are against this councillor, who is for him? There were two pretentious MPs, very vocal ones who have been openly backing this guy. One of these MPs recently lost control of his branches in PJ in a clear act of rebellion against his hypocritical ways.
Another one who had trying very hard to gain the support of the grass roots from Klang.
We are also curious as we are informed that the councillor in question has been throwing functions at every celebration (CNY, Lantern Festival) with not much funding from the state. We are informed councillors only have an annual stipend of about RM 10,000, and that goes for a lot of things - donations, etc. We also understand that the councillor also purchases quite a number of tables at every DAP function, uniforms and many other items. He can even bring all his cronies for a 4 days 3 nights trip to Taiwan. Where did this money come from? We believe some of them come from here (please see the documents below)....

Does it make sense now that SPRM investigation on leakage of ADUN is for real?
Councillors will not dare siphon money without Ronnie Liu's permission. All leads to Ronnie Liu.
Finally ... does it make sense for SPRM to murder Teoh Beng Hock as the attempt by DAP to frame them? DAP must be covering up for their corrupt practices by accusing SPRM.
Sumber The Unspinners
Macam mana ni? Dokumen-dokumen diatas membuktikan Dap terbabit dan terlibat dalam rasuah dan salahguna kuasa. Semua arahan mengunakan kepala surat dari Ronnie Liu. Patut la Dap takut sangat apabila SPRM nak siasat mereka, rupanya ada rahsia disebalik kejadian. Sesungguhnya kematian Teoh Beng Hock semasa disiasat oleh SPRM hanyalah salah satu cara untuk menutup kesalahan rasuah, bunuh saksi dan hilangkan bukti untuk selamatkan diri puak haram jadah Dap ni.
Korang semua tak tahu ke? Teoh Beng Hock tu di bunuh oleh puak dia sendiri. Beng Hock merupakan saksi penting dalam penyiasatan SPRM, mendiang juga memegang banyak dokumen dan mempunyai banyak bukti yang berkaitan dengan kesalahan puak Dap ni. Jadi untuk selamatkan diri, Dap ni mengupah samseng untuk MEMBUNUHNYA. Ronnie Liu kan ketua gangster kat Selangor ni, untuk buat perkara kecil macam ni, Rasanya takde masalah bagi Taiko Ronnie.
Siapa yang untung sebenarnya dalam kematian Beng Hock? Puak Pakatan Haram mengunakan modal kematian ini dengan menghentam kerajaan, menuduh SPRM membunuh Beng Hock, hilangkan kepercayaan orang cina kepada kerajaan malah mereka dapat hilangkan saksi dan bukti kesalahan rasuah dan memperbodohkan rakyat dengan cerita-cerita dongeng mereka bersama Dr.Pornt.
Kerajaan tak untung sikit pun bila Beng Hock mati, Dap yang untung. Buat apa SPRM nak bunuh Beng Hock? Fikir la.. Ada otak pakai, jangan simpan.
P/s: Kongsi Gelap sanggup buat apa saja demi untuk menjaga periuk nasi mereka. Bagi mereka membunuh itu perkara kecil.
Pastinya kematian beng hock ada kaitan dengan rasuah dan ronnie.
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